Project Description
3.1 The reprisal
3.2 The massacre
3.1 The reprisal
The attack carried out by partisans on German soldiers in Via Rasella on 23 March 1944 served as the pretext for the reprisal. The order was that for each German soldier who died in the attack, 10 italians were to be executed. As it turned out, 335 were shot.
3.2 The massacre
The operation was assigned to Colonel Herbert Kappler and his men. The executions were carried out as a series of 335 single murders. The press statement released at 10.55 pm on 24 March 1944 announced that “the order has already been carried out”.
Informing the families of the victims, Giuseppe Bolgia
“we found out only after the facts with a letter from the German command…”